
A Statement from the Anne Springs Close Greenway in Support of Black Lives Matter

The tragic losses of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Botham Jean and so many others have brought into focus the racism and injustice so prevalent in our society.   

We believe that the strength of our community is in our diversity.  As a company, we stand with the Black community and all communities of color in raising our voice in support of Black Lives Matter. We add our voice to theirs, demanding the elimination of institutional racism in all its forms, and call for the acceleration of real and lasting change. We condemn racism, injustice and violence of any kind.  It is our goal as community leaders to be part of the solution in strengthening the communities we serve. 

We understand the need for action in addition to words. To that end, we are immediately forming a subcommittee of our board to focus on steps we can take in two key areas. First, recommend specific steps we can take in our board recruitment and in our hiring practices to increase diversity in leadership across the company. Secondly, recommend outreach efforts, targeted programs and scholarship funds to be made immediately available for communities of color, helping to increase diversity in our membership and programs. We will seek guidance and be transparent about our progress.

Black communities are hurting. We will listen. We will learn. We will act in support of justice and equality.

Anne Springs Close Greenway Board of Managers