Birding Club

With the Greenwayâ„  as its home base, the Greenway Birding Club explores the variety of birds on our 2,100 acres. The club welcomes all levels of birders, so whether this is your first time picking up a pair of binoculars or you can name every bird in North America, join an upcoming outing!

Breeding Bird Monitoring:

There are 45 bluebird nestboxes strategically placed throughout the Anne Springs Close Greenway℠ at three locations: the Nature Center, the Field Trial Barn and the Dairy Barn. Each nestbox is monitored, with minimal disturbance to the birds, on a bi-weekly basis over a span of 22 weeks (March 15-August 21). Volunteers record observations and send their documentation for data entry into NestWatch website via Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

Current Bird Breeding Annual Report:

As has been done for the past 9 years, our data was reported to the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology via the NestWatch website so the Greenwayâ„  data can be used as part of a continent-wide base of birding data.

Due to heavy predation, the number of successful fledgings dropped 33% from past years from an average of 45% to 30%.  We have begun a program to install predator guards on the nest boxes which will help with this problem for future years.

We have a dedicated group of volunteers who conduct this survey each spring and summer.


Scheduled monthly bird walks (Sept.-May) at the Greenwayâ„  and surrounding areas

Spur-of-the-moment walks posted through our Facebook group

Join Group

Report bird species sightings to Cornell University's Lab of Ornithology

Thank you to this year’s Birding Club Volunteers, Gretchen Locy, Bob Olson and Tom Anderson, as well as Bluebird Monitoring Volunteers, Tom Anderson, Annie Baker, Lance Brockmeier, Jim Johnston, Bob Olson, Lyle Sandlin, Mitch Truesdale and Iona Yanutola