Group Riding Lessons

We offer lessons for a variety of skill levels*. All programs are delivered in 8-week sessions from September to May, except Session 2 that is 7 weeks due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Registration for each session opens one or two weeks prior to the start of the session.

Session 1: August 30th, 2021– October 22nd, 2021 COMPLETE

Session 2: October 25th, 2021 – December 17th, 2021 COMPLETE

Session 3: January 17th, 2022 – March 11th, 2022 Registration opened January 10, 9am

Session 4: March 21st, 2022 – May 13th, 2022 Registration opens March 14, 9am

Level Placement:

All riders who are new to the Greenway Stables program must complete an evaluation ride prior to placement at a specific level. Only beginner riders and riders who have participated in our program within the last year are exempt from this evaluation.

Register for an Evaluation ($60 for 30 min)


Beginner: No experience necessary. Will learn to catch, groom, saddle, mount/dismount independently. Participants will learn correct riding position, practice utilizing riding aids, steering and stopping. Introduction to the two-point position, trot and trail riding.

Beginner-Intermediate: Participants should be able to catch the groom and saddle independently. Should be confident at the walk and familiar with the trot transition. This level will focus on balance and correct position in the posting trot. We will introduce the canter and work on riding a variety of horses. Students need to be able to competently ride all Greenway beginner horses at this level before moving into Intermediate lessons.

Intermediate: Confident in all Beginner 2 skills as well as starting to become comfortable in the canter. Focus for these lessons will be on the canter, using two-point position at all gaits, introduction to extension, collection and flexion of the horse, and introduction to trotting poles and cross rails. Students need to be able to competently ride all Greenway intermediate horses at this level before moving into Advanced lessons.

Advanced (Semi-private or private only): Confident in all intermediate skills. Students will be introduced to verticals, course work and more advanced flatwork. Focus on working with the horse using riding aids and creating balance, collection/extension, and flexion in the horse. Opportunity to focus on areas/disciplines of the riders selection. Riders will start to ride more advanced Greenway horses. At this level, riders can also participate in our work to ride training program and horse show.


  • Beginner Group: $250 non-member / $225 member
  • Beginner-Intermediate Group: $275 non-member /$250 member
  • Intermediate (English and Western): $300 non-member / $275 member

Group Lesson Schedule:


  • 4-5pm Children’s Beginner
  • 5:15-6:15pm Children’s Beginner 2 (current students only)
  • 6:30-7:30pm Adult Beginner- Intermedi
  • ate (current students only or those that participated in an evaluation)


  • 4-5pm Children’s Intermediate Western (current students only or those that participated in an evaluation)
  • 5:15-6:15pm Children’s Intermediate English (current students only or those that participated in an evaluation)
  • 6:30pm Children’s Intermediate English (current students only or those that participated in an evaluation)


  • 4-5 pm Children’s Beginner-Intermediate (current students only or those that participated in an evaluation)
  • 5:15-6:15pm Children’s Beginner 2 (current students only)
  • 6:30-7:30pm Adult Beginner


  • 4:30 Adult Intermediate English(current students only or those that participated in an evaluation)


  • 4-5pm Children’s Intermediate English (current students only or those that participated in an evaluation)
  • 5:15-6:15pm Children’s Intermediate Western  (current students only or those that participated in an evaluation)
  • 6:30pm Adult Intermediate Western (current students only or those that participated in an evaluation)


  • 2:45-3:45pm Children’s Beginner
  • 4-5pm Children’s Beginner-Intermediate (current students only or those that participated in an evaluation)

Group Riding Lessons for Session 4 will open March 14 at 9am.

Cancelation and Weather Policy:

If weather prevents us from having a riding lesson, we will have a horsemanship lesson as it is important that we are all well-rounded equestrians. Horsemanship lessons will replace no more than two riding lessons within a session. If you miss a ride within the session, unfortunately, we are not able to make that up.

Private & Semi-Private Lessons
  • Private and semi-private lessons must be booked as an 8-week package. You will work with Greenway staff to select a date and time that will be your lesson slot for the entire 8 weeks.
  • Private and semi-private lessons are reserved for intermediate-advanced and advanced riders. If you have a special circumstance that requires private lessons, let us know.
  • If you’d like to take semi-private lessons but don’t have a second person, let us know and we will help find a person of an equivalent skill level.
  • Please contact the equestrian team to discuss private lessons.


  • Private, 8-week package (30 min lesson): $560 non-member / $480 member
  • Semi-Private, 8-week package (1hr): $560 non-member / $480 member
  • Youth: $320 non-member / $240 member

Advanced (Semi-private or private only): Confident in all intermediate skills. Students will be introduced to verticals, course work and more advanced flatwork. Focus on working with the horse using riding aids and creating balance, collection/extension, and flexion in the horse. Opportunity to focus on areas/disciplines of the riders selection. Riders will start to ride more advanced Greenway horses. At this level, riders can also participate in our work to ride training program and horse show.

Youth Private Lessons (6-7yo): If your child has been enjoying lead line sessions but is now ready to start their riding career we highly recommend our youth private lessons. These 30-minute lessons are developed to help our younger equestrians learn to groom, tack (with assistance), how to mount/dismount, correct body position while riding and how to manage their horse on their own. Lessons are held at 3pm.

Register Now

Guided Trail Rides

Guided trail rides are led by a member of the equestrian staff and are available on Saturdays, September to May, from 9-10:30am and 11am-noon. Please note afternoon rides are limited to six riders.

Riders must be at least 8 years of age.** All riders must wear closed-toe shoes. We recommend riders wear long pants. All riders must wear helmets and the Anne Springs Close Greenway provides helmets. Riders should arrive 15-minutes prior to the trail ride.

**Weight limit per rider is 250 lbs.


1-Hour Ride: Members $55; Non-Members $60

Register for a 1-hour Ride

1.5-Hour Ride: Members $65; Non-Members $70

Register for a 1.5-hour Ride


Trail ride registration ends Friday at noon prior to Saturday's ride.

Guided Trail Rides for Session 4 will open March 14 at 9am.

Trail rides are very popular and fill up quickly, however, cancelations do occur. We encourage you to check back for openings.

Please contact Guest Services at or 803.547.4575 with any questions.

Lead Line Rides

Lead Line rides, led by a parent or adult, are available for children 8 and younger on Saturdays and Sundays with pre-registration from 2:30-4:30pm during the month of September - May at the Greenway Stables, 1046 Horse Road. Helmets are required, and we do provide them. Closed-toed shoes required. Pants recommended. Signed waivers are required.

Lead Lines are $15/15 minute ride with $5 discount for members. Parent or adult must lead.

Register Now

Birthday Parties

The Anne Springs Close Greenway is the ideal location for your child’s birthday party. With unique nature themes plus opportunities to customize, we offer an experience your child and guests will never forget.  Birthday Party packages are offered September - May.

Learn More

Trailering In (Day Riding)

Trailering in your own horse to go day riding is available on the Anne Springs Close Greenway's Lake Haigler entrance during normal hours of operation (7:00am to sunset), seven days a week.

Greenway members or daily visitors who are trailering in their horses for a day ride need to enter at the Lake Haigler Entrance, 2573 Lake Haigler Drive, Fort Mill. They will need to bring a copy of their horse’s current Coggins Test. 

Visitors will need to pay the day ride and entrance fee of $20 per rider/horse. The gates are unlocked by 7:00-7:30 a.m. (seasonally) and locked at sunset. Riders should check the website and/or call the trail hotline at 803.547.1019 to make sure the horse trails are open prior to arrival. 

Horse Boarding

All horse boarding is currently full.

Please complete the Horse Boarding Interest Form to be added to our waitlist.

Horse boarding is offered at the barn on Highway 160 and in pastures around the property, which are soil tested annually, fertilized and seeded as required. The Greenway grows and stores its own hay.

Pasture Boarding at the Horse Barn ($99.25 per week):

  • Horses are fed grain twice daily
  • Run-in shelter
  • Winter hay
  • Tack shed accessibility
  • Annual Greenway membership and access to trail system included
  • Use of the outdoor and indoor riding rings when available

Pasture Boarding at the Dairy Barn ($68 per week)

  • Winter hay
  • Annual Greenway membership and access to trail system included
  • Use of the outdoor riding rings when available

Trailer Storage: $10 per week

Horse Boarding Interest Form

Horse Shows

Come meet your local horse community on the Greenway! Join us at our Spring Horse Show on May 14 and Fall Horse Show on November 12. The public is welcome to ride or simply watch the entertaining equestrian classes. Open to riders of all skill levels, with more than 40 competitive classes. Food vendors are on site. High Point awarded to English, Western, Walking Horse and Game classes.

Learn More

Equestrian Summer Camps

All equestrian camps at Anne Springs Close Greenway and Springmaid Mountain are full for Summer 2022. Continue with registration to be added to the waitlist.

Greenway Equestrian Day Camps

Weeklong equestrian day camps on the Greenway are offered during the summer and offer a variety of riding disciplines for riders of various skill levels. Campers will work on riding skills, trail work and equestrian arts and crafts projects. Campers will also perform their newly acquired skills for family and friends on Fridays.

Camp activities include:

  • Grooming, feeding and care of horses
  • Riding instruction and techniques for beginner, intermediate and advanced riders
  • Recreational riding and games
  • Graduation demonstrations for family and friends 

Springmaid Mountain Horse Camps

Week-long Residence Camps are offered at Springmaid Mountain Resort during the summer.  Campers, from Novice to Advanced levels, will improve their horsemanship and riding skills while making new friends who share their passion for horses. Groups include:

NOVICE (WESTERN): campers will be introduced to horses and learn safety procedures around the barn. They will learn to groom, saddle and ride independently.

INTERMEDIATE (WESTERN): Campers will quickly review all skills from the novice group and will progress to slightly more advanced horses and exercises. They will also learn to ride at a slightly faster pace and begin to refine control of the horse. 

ADVANCED (ENGLISH OVER FENCES): For campers who have mastered Intermediate English skills and are ready to go over (or are already sailing over) fences.  This level requires a letter from trainer/instructor if camper is not a Greenway Stables rider.

All groups will play games, learn parts of a horse, saddles and bridles, and will have 3 meals each day. As opportunities arise, campers will be able to help with farm chores, watch a horse get new shoes or see the veterinarian in action! We will do our best (before camp begins) to place campers in the group where they will be able to learn and improve the most. However, campers may be moved to a more suitable group at the discretion of the Camp Director. In addition to everything Equine, campers will enjoy hiking, tubing, group games, an overnight camp out (weather permitting) and many more outdoor activities. Campers will perform a demonstration on Saturday morning. Parents are responsible for transportation.