Community Garden
Community Garden Plots
Plots in the community garden are sold out for 2024.
If you would like to volunteer in the Betsy McLean Plant-A-Row for the Hungry Garden, please email

Community Garden FAQs:
- All Community Garden members must be members of the Anne Springs Close Greenwayâ„ .
- A fee of $75 per bed, per year is required at the time of rental. The term of use is April 1st to March 31st. The rental agreement is for a full year. There are no partial rentals or refunds available.
- Community Gardeners may not sub-lease or transfer their garden bed to another person without informing the Anne Springs Close Greenwayâ„ .
- Returning gardeners may renew their beds annually if desired. Current gardeners will be contacted in February 2025 with details for the renewal process.
- Please keep plants from obstructing pathways or growing into other gardener’s beds.
- Plants and trellises should be kept at heights so as not to block the sun from other gardener’s beds.
- Beds may be cultivated year round. If you choose not to garden in winter months, you may cover your bed to prevent weed growth.
- Greenway Staff will regularly inspect the Community Garden to ensure all gardeners are adhering to the guidelines. If your garden bed becomes excessively weedy or untended, you will be asked to tend them within 2 weeks of being given notice. If a gardener does not respond to notices, their bed rental may be forfeited.
- Please help maintain a pleasant space for all gardeners by ensuring your beds, the surrounding pathways and the communal areas are kept clean, neat and free of debris and weeds.
- Please do not make any changes to the structure of the garden bed.
- . Although the garden is not specified as "organic," the Greenway Community Garden encourages gardeners to consider alternatives to the use of chemical pesticides. Use of petroleum-based pesticides is highly discouraged. Gardeners must not practice any horticultural technique such as fertilizing, watering, using pesticides, etc., that will in any way affect adjacent plots. Application should not occur on windy days. Application of any herbicide (weed-killer, Round Up) is strictly forbidden.
Community Garden Guidelines and Information:
- Gardens are open 7:00am to dusk, seven days a week.
- Organic materials, such as leaves, dead plants and green plants may be composted in the communal compost bins as long as it is free of disease. Diseased plant materials and weeds should be placed in the trash can.
- Anne Springs Close Greenwayâ„ provides the water and hoses for watering your garden. You are responsible for watering your bed. After using a hose, please coil and return it to the starting position so it is ready for the next gardener. Unattended watering is not allowed.
- Please respect your fellow gardeners and do not remove or disturb anything in their beds, including weeds, without their permission. What may look like a weed to you may be valuable to them!
- The Program Coordinator will organize volunteer work days for weeding and mulching communal spaces, turning compost or planting and maintaining pollinator beds. Gardeners are encouraged to volunteer for these periodic workdays.
- Before leaving the garden, take a moment to look around and make sure all community garden tools, hoses, wheel barrows and other equipment are back where they belong at the shed. Do not leave materials, tools or equipment in the pathways. Always clean community tools you use off so they are ready to be used by the next gardener.
- Personal pets are not allowed in garden area with the exception of service animals. Please keep a close eye on all children in the garden.