Explore Our Trails
The Anne Springs Close Greenway℠ operates a trail system that is 36-miles long. Trail maps are posted at all entrances to the Greenway℠, and trail markers are placed every 1/4 mile throughout trails to provide reference points that correspond to the trail map.

Hike trails are currently open. Horse, Bike and Dog Park trails are temporarily closed. The Mountain Bike Skills Park is currently closed.
Beginning Tuesday, February 11th, workers will be onsite near the swinging bridge off of Prairie Loop clearing trees and debris as we prepare for the upcoming bridge work. Please show caution while in the area.
For updates and current status of the new bridges project click the following link.
General Information
Hours: 7am - Sunset
Daily Admission Fees:
$14 per person | Youth (ages 5-12) $7 per person
Trailering In - $22/horse (Lake Haigler Entrance only)
Free to Members. JOIN TODAY!
Guest Services Front Desk: 803.547.4575
Trail hotline: 803.547.1019
Only debit/credit cards are accepted at our Welcome Stations.
Cash & cards are accepted at the Greenway Gateway.
Greenway Trails
Yellow is used for hiking trails
Purple is used for horseback riding and hiking
Red and Green is used for mountain biking and hiking.
Dogs are allowed but must be kept on a leash at all times. No motorized equipment of any kind is allowed on any trails.