Wildflower & Prairie Program
Bring generosity to life with seasonal blooms on the Greenway.
Each year, the Anne Spring Close Greenway natural resources staff plant and manage dozens of acres of native wildflower and Piedmont prairie habitat, encouraging the endangered Schweinitz sunflower to flourish. What better gift than to have flowers planted at the Greenway in honor of someone special?
When you make a minimum donation of $50 to the Wildflower and Prairie Program, you support the Anne
Springs Close Greenway’s annual fund while also honoring or memorializing someone you love in a unique
and thoughtful way. Take pleasure in seeing these beautiful wildflower and prairie areas thrive next season in recognition of a special individual in your life. The recipient you are honoring or their family will receive a letter notifying them of this special gift.
Please note: Locations for plantings cannot be specified and no plaques will be placed on the Greenway.